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Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptySun Aug 23, 2015 3:45 pm by Atreyu

» Bringing The Site Back
Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptySat Aug 22, 2015 8:48 pm by Atreyu

» Updated Descriptions Of Races
Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 7:21 pm by Atreyu

» Site Design?
Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptyTue Apr 16, 2013 7:01 pm by Kanana

» The Thread in Which Tokiwa and Kanana Haz Adventures and Schtuff
Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptySat Apr 13, 2013 1:16 am by Tokiwa

Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptySun Apr 07, 2013 8:44 pm by Kanana

» Posts, Topics, Emails and Other Junk
Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 12:25 am by Kanana

» Something Unexpected CLOSED
Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptyThu Mar 21, 2013 4:10 pm by Jareth

» Herro
Does the Clock Strike Death? EmptyWed Feb 27, 2013 7:42 am by Jareth

Your First Stop

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Your First Stop

Come and find out what our custom made site is all about! The information here is extremely valuable, and you'll learn what the main purpose of the site is, who is who, and what is what when it comes to this new anime made by our site's creator and his friends! It will clarify many things and make your experience worth while! If you have ANY questions at all, please contact our staff! We're friendly and willing to help!

512NEW SITE!! NEW S...
Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:45 pm
Atreyu View latest post

Discussion Board

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Discussion Board

Here is where we discuss things that we could do to improve the site for better or for worse. most of the time, hopefully all of the time, it will primarily be for the better, but if it is for the worst, then it is for the worst, there might be some way of stopping it, but w/e. Anyways, this board is for everyone, so if you have an idea or suggestion to make the board a whole lot better, then we will greatly appreciate it. Just don't be a jerk about it, or you will have to suffer the consequences. T_T

1267Updated Descript...
Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:21 pm
Atreyu View latest post


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Come here so you can find out what to do and what not to do on the forum. This is your key to success so don't lose it and end up getting band on the first day you join, cause really that's not what we want to happen and we know that's not what you want to happen. So please be sure to read the rules, they will definitely save your ;ife on this forum as we hope they save ours as well. Even though you might think admins aren't rule breakers believe or not they actually are the biggest ones. O.o

24Does the Clock s...
Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:58 am
Atreyu View latest post


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Here is where you will find out what is currently happening to the site and also what are some long term things that will occur within weeks or months. The possibilities of what could happen here are endless so I suggest you read here so you won't be the last to find out that the site had a revamp and everyone but you got the chance to save there character before the revamp and while you are mad about it, you should've read here first to ebgin with so you would've had the oppurtunity to save your totally pwnage character. <.<;;;

934Bringing The Sit...
Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:48 pm
Atreyu View latest post

Creation Fortress

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Character Creation

This place is where you create your character. This is where your imagination really shows. Here you will create your character covering all of the basics and things he/she has. Like what race they are and how old they are. Also like what do they look like, i seriously don't want any f**king invisible people, I mean come on, be realistic, I want a visual of your character at least, I mean if you want to be invisible then thats alright just tell me what your character looks like. Please, okay thank you bye. :DDD

1854Clark Sanderson...
Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:35 pm
Kanana View latest post
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Weapon Creation

When you come here you are probably here to create a weapon right? Well why else would you be here? Anyways when you here you create weapons. whether they be swords, guns, staffs, maybe even a special slingshot of yours that you would like to treasure. What ever you can think of that is rule worthy then make it here...I don't want something like rocket launchers and stuff...hell no, but maybe water guns are more your style, lol jk, just be sure not to OP yourself.

511Diamair - Ash's ...
Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:10 pm
Kanana View latest post
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Introductions and Farewells

Come and say hello to our members, or goodbye to your friends! We're so glad to have you if you're an arrival, and we're sorry to see you go if you're departing; come back again soon!!

13Introducing Ash!...
Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:32 pm
AshHale View latest post
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Secret Group Creation

Secret groups are organization made under the nose of the Rulers of regions or rebels who seek vengeance across the land, wanting to take over palaces or castles, or probably want their hands on some valuable items, or perhaps the Eon blood. What ever the case maybe secret groups made by rulers are probably assassins or bounty hunters sought to take out the rebel groups. Aside from that this is where you make those groups, or maybe you want to join them, what ever the case maybe the choice is yours.

11The Ender's Flee...
Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:00 pm
Theos View latest post
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Black Market

Here is where you can buy whatever you think is neccessary for your character to have. Whether it be food or clothign or even weapons. Whatever you feel is right and fit for your character go for it, there are no wrong purchases.

11Marketed Fruits...
Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:36 pm
Atreyu View latest post

Land of Areados

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Donal Village

This village is located in the Land of Areados, home to Atreyu the ruler of Darvok Palace. Donal Village is far bigger than most cities as its foundation nearly covers up a third of the Areados Region. In Donal village everything from trading, to transporting can be found here. This is also the place were criminals and such go to jail, the big Prison is located at the south entrance of this grande sized village.

Donal Village Prison, Train Station, Donal Village

117information Gath...
Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:04 pm
Atreyu View latest post
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Darvok Palace

This area is where Atreyu, Ruler of Areados, resides. This is his domain and also this is where the torture and discipline factors take place. All though it seems really gruesome keep in mind there are far more horrid things that can be done to a person than you could ever possibly think. But aside from that, this Palace has everything from guards to knights and from knights to soldiers. It is what we can call a well fit T-shirt.

Torture Chasm

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White Flame Temple

Here is where the legendary flare of the white flame is placed and locked away. The reason why this flame is so legendary is because it took down thirty thousand people with one blow. Although in its earlier years it was bigger than a house, now it is no bigger than that of a water melon. It is quite hard to carry because it is 30 times hotter than regular old red flames, so its confinement it built to withstand its heat, meaning it must be tough to crack. Aside from the the temple itself is huge and when entering it, it is like a maze. Only guards of Darvok, and Knights under Lord Atreyu's command can make there way through the maze without even thinking about it. Atreyu himself can make it through the Maze with his eye's closed.


Land of Noseados

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Valentine Town

Although its name is the name of a holiday where everyone is lovey dovey...its just a name, they didn't ask for he name. Now I am not saying everyone here is a crazy ass person, but they are just regular people trying to have regular lives. Anyways Valentine town takes up a fourth of the Noseados Region, and has a lot of birck buildings but they all still look fancy and clean. Actually you can tell the difference between a rich home and a commoner home because rich homes are made of woods and stones, and commoner homes are just back of bricks. There all some tall buildings in this Town as well. Going back to the homes and such although the outside may look terrible it is the inside that is most appealing, that applies for all residence of Valentine Town.

Valentine Town, Train Station, Valentine Library

389Being an all aro...
Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:54 pm
Roark View latest post
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Noro Palace

Noro palace is a devastating palace located on top of a big rock cliff that looks like it is stabbing a hole through the sky. Lightning always erupts from this palace, from the sky down, but it only erupts on top of the palace for some reason, never does it strike on the sides of the palace or in front. That is found strange by most people but aside from that this is the research facility of the world, so anything you need to find dating back to the beginning of time to right now, this Palace has it.

Noro Laboratory

7241The Thread in Wh...
Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:16 am
Tokiwa View latest post
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White Light Caverns

White light is the more concetrated form of white lightning and is very deadly. This cavern has mutliple cracks in it, and with every crack there is white light peering through them. If one so happens to be touched by the white light they would be put in a state of temporary shock leaving them hospitalized for several days.


Land of Gavendia

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Kohlec City

This city is a great place to reside for shopping and what not. it covers nearly a third of the Land of Gavendia and is well known for it being made entirely out of white crystals, making it look a little futuristic. Although everything is made up out of crystals there are still regular stuff such as food and bedding. the only things that are really made out of crystals are buildings, sidewalks, vehicles and streets. Other than that this place is known as "Gods Vacation" because of how pure, clean and friendly everything here is.

Train Station, Kohlec City

18In rolls the Hun...
Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:07 pm
Armond View latest post
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Castle Vasiral

Castle Vasiral is home to the Leader of the Eon Blood Wielders. Armond is an exceptional leader an always seems to get the job done. Although the city he runs his known has "God's vacation" and is supposedly suppose to have the most nicest friendliest people. That is an understatement for Armond because he is tough and must stay tough in order to keep his position as leader. Aside from that this castle is made out of, yes you guessed it, white crystals. But these crystals are more unique than the ones in the city or the ones that make the train up. The crystals that form his castle are hard to penetrate giving him the perfect defense for any giant fireballs or meteors.

Vasiral Tower, Meeting Sanctum, The Lounge

114Loosening the Fl...
Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:21 pm
Atreyu View latest post
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Excal Forest

This forest is made of entirely crystals, but it has crystals of many colors and the colors seem to change every so often, normally the colors change depending on the mood of the scene. if the mood is sad then the crystals are blue if the mod is raging then the crystals are yellow, mixed with orange and red. So you get the point now, these crystals can be any color they want to be. But you'll know when a crystal plant is dead, because it turns black and can crack easily if handled roughly.

125Pop A Bottle
Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:54 pm
Nala Sun View latest post

Land of Oloco

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Oaklord Town

Oaklord town is a beautiful town that is famous for its white water treatments. White water treatments relax a person of all of their stress and worries, its normally what a therapist does, but they seem to fail at their jobs and life. Anywho, Oaklord town's houses are made of wood and fine metals. now you may be thinking, aren't metals hard and cold, well yes but in Oaklord they have this special metal which is formed when ever you heat white water. That actually makes the metal soft, yet strong. It is a quite strange town if I do say so myself.

Train Station, Oaklord Town

11Beginning The Jo...
Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:49 pm
Jinchu View latest post
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Castle Shuron

This castle, believe it or not is on top of this huge body of water. Getting to it will be killer unless the ruler, Olivine, lets the bridge down. Even then I still wouldn't suggest you swim in the water. I won't tell you why but just don't do it unless you want to die. The castle looks more of like a Palace found in india. it is white and blue and sparkles whenever sunset hits, it glows whenever the moon is out. It truly is one of the most beautiful buildings out there, and Olivine tends to keep that way until further notice, or until the next latest thing comes out. Whatever that is...

White Water Fountain

558Unexpected Teach...
Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:30 pm
Armond View latest post
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Life Drain Lake

This place holds the secret behind the white water. If one were to even think about swimming in such a place they will feel there energy being drained...taken away. well that is the secret to the white water. If consumed or in it to long, you will feel your life being drained, this power doesn't seem all to pure but it is mainly the power of judgement. Olivine throws people in this water and if the water begins to drain your life it means your judgement has been decided impure, but if it doesn't drain your life then your judgement is pure. The people who's judgments are impure are sent to Atreyu for questioning then from Atreyu they are sent to Kanana for experimenting. But all people are first sent from Armond. So the order is Armond, Olivine, Atreyu, and last but not least Kanana.


The Land Inbetween

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Galacia Ocean

The Ocean That sounds all four regions. Its water is pure and untainted. Its bluer than sapphire and shines brighter when the sun relfects off of it. It is good place for easy travel and also a good palce for explorations. Careful however although the water itself is untainted keep in mind that creatures still lurk about.

Galacia Islands

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Helios Tower

This is the tower where all four rulers of the regions come to take part in their annual meetings. Real business is set here and it is advised the the Rulers take there left and right hands persons.

146The Great Meetin...
Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:01 pm
Atreyu View latest post
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Jareth's region.

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Lagnish Mountains

These giant mounts connect all of the regions together. One of the largest mountain ranges in the world, Lagnish Mountains do not only form on land but they also can be found underneathe the ocean. They connect in a circular like formality and have been dormant for over 500 years.

350A wanderers Choi...
Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:18 pm
Armond View latest post
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Training Lands

Currently all one can train for is their inner ability. Until there are more things to train for you should ONLY be here for one reason and one reason only.

28Inner Ability Tr...
Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:57 pm
Jareth View latest post

Members Region

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OCC Battle Area

Here is where memebers who have characters can battle and spar in combats battles of one on one, four on four. Four one one, or Eight on eight. This does not affect the current plot of the site seeing as how it is an OCC area. But the rules still do apply here as they do anywhere else.

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General Chat

Come here and talk about anything and everything. Create topics about your fav anime, the thigns you love, the things you hate, Create topics about you and yoru interest, or poems and songs, just be yourself here.

Fanfictions and Games!

926My Request
Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:27 pm
Kanana View latest post

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